Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Nicole

WE gon partayy like it's yo bIrthday!!!

let me show you guys what i posted on her wall

H A.......Oh Em Geez you're 22!!!.....222............222
P..........happy birthday.............22...22.......22...22
P...............my love...........................22.............22
B I R T H D A Y..........................22............22
2....... Feliz Cumpleanos...........222222.....222222
Y..... a mi hermana mejor O.........te amo mucho U H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!!!

to cute right

**update w/ pics lata

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Chris Brown Speaks Out

From his own mouth...

I'm glad to see that he has accepted responsibility and is truly remorseful. I forgive him, but if it takes time for Rhianna that is understandable.


So sorry I've been MIA for sooooo long
but blame it on the summer and me actually deciding to something productive.
I volunteered for 3 weeks at my church's summer day camp as a counselor. I went today to say goodbye as last week was my last and they toppled me. These are kindergarten through eighth graders. Although the little munchins tried to work my nerves a part of me will miss em. But I'm excited to head to the East Coast for school. Yes madd early but my summer program is gonna be fun, it pays, and its a huge leadership opportunity for not only the summer but the whole school year. HELLO... resume ; ]

but yea... i'm gearing up to leave this week and finally spendin some time at home, thus I BLOG!

so look for new post SOON

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I still support my President

I'm late I kno
well not too late... i saw this a while ago but have yet to grab it

I want this!!!

i saw something similar on another website but for $20 instead of $30
can anyone lead me in that direction???